
Off-topic: RF splitter for my cable signal is DEAD-o. I got the root coaxial to bypass it straight to the modem and voila my connection is stable again. Then my sister's boyfriend had some difficulty routing it back through the splitter, perhaps wondering why the TV wasn't working, while I was sleeping... -_-; and I had to deconstruct his efforts again when I got up. I feel bad.

Stepped aside from all of the projects and worked on the technical documentation again. The airport is really a good place to get a sip of coffee, and just read through a report with a pen in my pocket. I read through and actually found my report satisfactory. Most of the work was to rearrange the layout  so that I can streamline the process of adding new content. No harm writing down a log of the updates here while I have the time.

Mood: Rachmaninoff Prelude in G minor, Op. 23, No. 5

Uploaded the document as 22 Nov 09 (nominally dated) version.

 Content updates
  • Started on the short section involving the inverting controller.
  • Removed some text which I found redundant.
  • Earmarked some content for removal. (pending) 
Note: Frankly... what's the outgassing rate of 304 stainless steel after 2 hours of pumpdown again? I had a shock of my life for a moment (it was a low power shock over a short time interval, so it was an intense pulse OK) when I recalled that the permeation (conductance) remained constant irregardless of pumpdown time.

Layout updates
  • Removed repeated content (includes typographical  error where I pasted the same text twice as I was shifting it from one section to another).
  • Fixed problem with the Appendix showing stuff which should really be in the earlier sections.
  • Rearranged the sections for clarity.
  • Removed some redundant sections.
  • Fixed the code for the citations, references etc. A few references got left out in the process, but will be added soon. (pending)

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